Red/White blood cell


Welcome to my science class project

This project is to help u and me to understand Red and White Blood Cells


 Red blood cells and white blood cells are responsible for nourishing and cleansing the body and it keeps you heathly.

Did u know u wouldn't age if u didn't have blood.


Platelets are also known as thrombocytes. They are small fragments of cells that clump together and stick to inner surface of blood vessels to plug up leaks. The platelets release a substance for clotting of blood. The platelets cause the injured site to shrink and seal off. Platelets have a life span of 5 to 9 days.

The platelets are formed in the bone marrow.The number of platelets fall between the number of white blood cells and red blood cells. The number of platelets can be between 250,000 and 350,000 in normal volume of blood. The platelets get their name from their shape. They look like oval plates.

Red blood cells



AABB estimates that eight million volunteers donate blood each year. According to the National Blood Data Resource Center (NBDRC) about 15 million units of whole blood and red blood cells were donated in the United States in 2001.(

Red blood cell carry oxygen to other cells and carry carbon dioxide to the lungs and get more oxygen which makes blood red,concave shape, about 5,000,000 in a speck of blood

Red blood cells make up 45% of your blood

Each red blood cell lives about 100-120 days

White blood cells


Did u know that a drop of blood can contain anywhere from 7 000 to 25 000 white blood cells at a time.

(Leukemia = cancer of the blood) Did u know Leukemia patient may have as many as 50,000 white blood cells in a single drop of blood, thats alot!!!

Did u know there are five types of white blood cell

  • neutrophils 40 - 75 %
  • eosinophils 5 %
  • basophils 0.5 %
  • lymphocytes 20 - 50 %
  • monocytes 1 - 5 %

Neutrophils: This cell is the most numerous white cell, comprising over 62 percent of them. These are the first to attack an infection, and thus some doctors will count the nuetrophil level as well as the total white count. Neutrophils tend to gather at the site of infection and that area can appear red or feel warm, such as with a fever. ''Man!!! I hate having the fever!!!''
Eosinophils: This cell is the one that reacts to allergies. They are supposed to be our friend because they are supposed to hurt the toxin before it can hurt us. ''Right!! When they start working for me then i'll believe.''
Basophils: This is the rarest white cell. It is that which releases a histimine, which is what attracts the other white cells to the area. They also produce heparin which dissolves clots (and is used in ports to prevent new clots.).''Stop fighting or I will kick u out of the car.''
Lymphocytes: These not only fight infections but also provide immunity to certain disease. Remember all your booster shots as a child? These are the cells they talked to. These cells produce the antibodies that are so important to us.''I've been priked so many times it's not funny.''
Monocytes: This last type goes into an area after the infection has been killed and clean up the debris and damage left behind. ''Police!!! Stay out of the crime scene.''

